
Дата выхода
3 августа 2014 г.
Список изменений
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Bug Fixes
There was an issue for people using Windows account names with accented letters. This bug resulted in a crash due to write permissions.
Lantern Forge should now properly decode these letters, fixing the access issue.

A minor bug was with the button alignment in windowed mode. This should now work correctly.

New Feature
Lots of players have suggested keyboard movement. This has now been added.
There is a move-forward key (Default W) that will cause your player to move toward the mouse cursor.
That should make it easier to move around in tight spaces without clicking!

Updated Art
A number of art assets have been updated or added. A noteworthy one is the copper lamppost.
You can craft the lamppost on a copper anvil. It has a larger light radius than the standard torches and candles.


Дата выхода
22 июля 2014 г.
Список изменений
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-Music Issues
-Polygon Collisions