August Hotfix

Дата выхода
26 августа 2014 г.
Список изменений
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Система ближнего боя:
- Missed have added back-swing time, increased to make initiative like the original system
- Getting parried bars you from re-attacking for a short time (like original system)
- Damage is now based on swing speed (avoid taking hits from back-swings and swing beginnings
- scaled damage based on hit position along the blade (so hitting with handle hurts less, hitting with blade tip hurts lots)
- increased time window to parry a parry-lock swing
- made parry-locks no longer require holding the parry button all the way up to the contact point (it's now automatic this like old system)
- УБРАЛИ: Dash attacks
- (slightly) reduced the 'player facing' angle threshold for parries (so shields can't block attacks coming from behind)
- Moved the attack-v-attack clash timing so that they happen more like in the old system
- ИЗМЕНИЛИ: The timing for combos

- ПОЧИНИЛИ: key-binding menu
- ПОЧИНИЛИ: volume sliders don't work
- ПОЧИНИЛИ: M&B mode not saving out to client configs
- ПОЧИНИЛИ: Cloth and hair tones not saving to client configs
- ПОЧИНИЛИ: some customize options can be skipped over by scrolling left through the arrays

- Made shields more fallible, more harshly judge timing
- ПОЧИНИЛИ: Attack back-swings have no fade-out blend
- Screen effects (blood etc.) now clear up while spectating/dead
- Wing Capes have been removed for the sake of those people who suffer lag issues becomes of them. They will be added back in once the game has adequate options to support them.

Известные проблемы, до сих пор не устраненные в данном обновлении:
The Disconnect button can still cause the game to crash
The landing animation cuts off the fire-circle animation
Chat is still weird while dead and across round changes


Дата выхода
14 августа 2014 г.
Список изменений
Показать (7)
- Добавлены боты с искусственный интеллектом для тренировки или режима Survival
- Меню покупок (возможность выбрать оружие и магию до начала начала нового раунда)
- Добавлен молот
- Полная поддержка геймпада
- Улучшена боевая физика