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Дата выхода
2015 г.
Windows, Linux, Android, OUYA
Список изменений
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You can now specify the max number of players by using the maxPlayers field in your settings.ini file. (eg., maxPlayers=10) (thanks Mark K.)
Audio volume and pan is now dynamic. Sounds further away should be quieter and panned according to their position relative to the player. (thanks IBPX)
Death text has been added for spikes/lava/falling (thanks Neo)
The fans now have a slightly wider area of effect.
Midair movement mechanics have been adjusted. Players have less inertia now so knockbacks are less penalizing.
A new quest line is available in the 4th town.
Increased time the Yeti is on the ground before he leaps away. (thanks Genma)
Wind/music on the Yeti boss shouldn’t crap out if you leave or re-enter the map.
Poison effects should work correctly.
Reset potions won’t reset everyone’s stats/skills on the map. (thanks OUYACentral.TV)
All six OUYA hotkeys should be available again. (thanks EldonMcGuinness)
Screen should no longer occasionally be permanently black when you change maps. (thanks Genma/Ash/IBPX)
The frog boss’s hypnosis attack should correctly cancel if you change maps. (thanks Genma/Ash)
Transforming gear to one that should show hair. (eg Scouter) will now keep your hair, instead of flattening it like the original hairstyle. (thanks Alex S.)
Transforming gear will correctly check to ensure you have enough money. (thanks Alex S.)
The chest won from the Yeti boss won’t blow off the map. (thanks Alex S.)
Reduced spawn rate of bosses. (thanks Alex S.)
Other players should smoothly leave purgatory rather than glitch upwards.
You can now specify the max number of players by using the maxPlayers field in your settings.ini file. (eg., maxPlayers=10) (thanks Mark K.)
Audio volume and pan is now dynamic. Sounds further away should be quieter and panned according to their position relative to the player. (thanks IBPX)
Death text has been added for spikes/lava/falling (thanks Neo)
The fans now have a slightly wider area of effect.
Midair movement mechanics have been adjusted. Players have less inertia now so knockbacks are less penalizing.
A new quest line is available in the 4th town.
Increased time the Yeti is on the ground before he leaps away. (thanks Genma)
Wind/music on the Yeti boss shouldn’t crap out if you leave or re-enter the map.
Poison effects should work correctly.
Reset potions won’t reset everyone’s stats/skills on the map. (thanks OUYACentral.TV)
All six OUYA hotkeys should be available again. (thanks EldonMcGuinness)
Screen should no longer occasionally be permanently black when you change maps. (thanks Genma/Ash/IBPX)
The frog boss’s hypnosis attack should correctly cancel if you change maps. (thanks Genma/Ash)
Transforming gear to one that should show hair. (eg Scouter) will now keep your hair, instead of flattening it like the original hairstyle. (thanks Alex S.)
Transforming gear will correctly check to ensure you have enough money. (thanks Alex S.)
The chest won from the Yeti boss won’t blow off the map. (thanks Alex S.)
Reduced spawn rate of bosses. (thanks Alex S.)
Other players should smoothly leave purgatory rather than glitch upwards.
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