
Дата выхода
18 января 2014 г.
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+ Added ability to disassemble items (place item in the slot near the Craft button and press the button)
+ Added siege mode switch (turn it on to forbid the dwarves to leave the shelter)
+ Added some new dwarves and yetis animations
+ Increased effect of several monsters crashing the same door/wall simultaneously
+ Added additional items art
+ Cages now hold only one creature at a time
+ Increased durability of deep ground layers
+ Dwarves portals close faster during intense use
+ Now you can prolong the portal duration by casting portal spell at the same place several times
+ Increased number of dwarves attacking enemy camps
+ Falling items like tables, chairs etc don't set automatically and become blocks
+ Fixed AI freezes of dwarf mages
+ Fixed dwarves AI regarding attack of the monster through the wall
+ Fixed bridge pathfinding
+ Fixed frostings AI (didn't inflict damage to Tesla towers)
+ Fixed bug with multiple drops from chests
+ Fixed bug with dwarves animation near the portal
+ Fixed bug with changing items in workbenches and smithies after reopening the game
+ Fixed bug with mana counter
+ Fixed bug with underground worm exiting into the ocean
+ Fixed some crushes
+ Fixed several minor bugs

+ Добавлена возможность разбирать вещи на составляющие элементы (поместите предмет в слот возле кнопки крафта и нажмите ее)
+ Добавлен режим осады (включите его, чтобы запретить гномам покидать убежище)
+ Добавлены некоторые новые анимации гномов и йети
+ Усилен эффект разрушения, когда несколько врагов ломают один и тот же блок двери/стены
+ Улучшены картинки некоторых предметов
+ Клетка теперь задерживает не более 1 монстра одновременно
+ Увеличена прочность глубинных слоев земли
+ Порталы закрываются быстрее от интенсивного использования
+ Теперь вы можете увеличить время открытого портала, вызывая его заклинание несколько раз на одном и том же месте
+ Постройки врагов теперь могут атаковать сразу несколько гномов одновременно
+ Падающие при удалении опоры предметы не устанавливаются автоматически, а превращаются в блоки, которые нужно подбирать
+ Исправлен баг в поведении гномов магов
+ Исправлен баг в поведении гномов, пытающихся атаковать врага, находящегося за стеной
+ Доработан поиск пути с учетом мостов
+ Исправлен баг с атакой лучниками башен Теслы (повреждения не производилось)
+ Исправлен баг с многократным выпадением предметов из сундуков
+ Исправлен баг с анимацией гномов возле порталов
+ Исправлен баг с заменой вещей на верстаках и кузницах при перезапуске игры
+ Исправлен баг со счетчиком маны
+ Исправлен баг с перемещением подземного червя в океан
+ Устранены несколько причин аварийного завершения приложения
+ Исправлены некоторые незначительные баги


Дата выхода
10 января 2014 г.
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+ Fixed bug with fast portal closing
+ Fixed bug with invisible portals near stockpile
+ Fixed bug with dwarves AI during siege mode
+ Decreased portal penalty time from 10 to 5 sec while passing through

+ Исправлен баг с быстрым закрытием порталов
+ Исправлен баг с невидимыми выходами порталов возле склада
+ Исправлен баг с ИИ гномов во время режима осады
+ Уменьшено время штрафа портала при использовании с 10 до 5 сек.

0.9.012 Happy New Year!

Дата выхода
31 декабря 2013 г.
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+ Fixed сrash with Imps pathfinding
+ Fixed crash related to Dragons
+ Fixed crash and serious memory leaks relating to some creatures
+ Fixed bug: dwarves sometimes spend two blocks of earth when build one
+ Fixed: dwarf movement shaking in direct control
+ Fixed bug with dwarf moving over holes
+ Fixed: background behind the trees
+ Fixed bug with entering into Snow World
+ Fixed bug: dwarves did not climb out of lava
+ Fixed several minor bugs


Дата выхода
28 декабря 2013 г.
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+ Christmas gifts
+ Added additional art for bookshelf
+ Hotkey Z - temporarily turn on full level of detail on a large scale.
+ Yeti go away from stockpile at day time
+ Ice block gives more water (full block of water instead of 1/5)
+ Now blocks under the stockpile are not removable
+ Now you can rebuild blocks under the stockpile (if you have removed them in previous game)
+ Now Right click will clear selection at the hotbar
+ Big Yeti kicks other yeti out of holes
+ Dwarf stay selected after exit of direct control
+ more active quests at the same time
+ Improved Dwarves AI in hunting (specially for hunting fast moving animals)
+ The live of Imps restricted by 5 minutes

+ Fixed bug: white blocks instead of new trees (on a large scale) and dead wheat
+ Fixed bug: Indestructible Goblin Camp
+ Fixed bug with quests “Kill 10 Skeletons” and “Hunt the Beast”
+ Fixed the worm’s moving
+ Fixed bug with calculation of the state of the shelter
+ Fixed bug: right click goes through Inventory dialog and select blocks for digging
+ Fixed: removed “Low health” message for a sleeping dwarf
+ Fixed: “Under attack” message appeared too far from goblin’s camp
+ Fix couple bugs with railroads and railroad switches
+ Fixed several minor bugs

0.9.010 - New Snow World

Дата выхода
20 декабря 2013 г.
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+ Added New Snow World !
New creatures: Frostings, Yeti, Yeti Boss, Snow Turlle, Blue Bird (without sounds yet)

+ New Art for Brick Walls
+ Extra Stockpiles now can be removed
+ The monster waves are more dangerous
+ Beholders are now moving with monster waves
+ Tesla tower damage is decreased by 30%
+ Added new sounds (main menu, beholder, dark creature )


+ Fixed an issue with dwarves in water outside the screen
+ Improved dwarves AI: if dwarves could not reach location , they will try to move as closer as possible to the target and stop just near an obstacle
+ Fixed bug with clouds
+ Fixed bug: dragons stop attacking dwarves
+ Fixed bug: roof block became earth in some configurations
+ Fixed several minor bugs with: portal timers, the tasks counters in diary, “Under Attack” message, zero award when Level Up, pathfinding…


Дата выхода
11 декабря 2013 г.
Список изменений
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Update 0.9.009
+Quick Fix of the bug with fast slots in Update 0.9.008

Update 0.9.008:

New Hot Keys:
SPACE - select next dwarf
ESCAPE - cancel selection of the dwarf / exit direct control
When a dwarf is selected:
F - go eat (Food)
R - go sleep (Rest)
E - equip
O - direct control

+ Added timer above the portals
+ Improved AI: Dwarves recalculate path when a new portal is opened nearby
+ Random recipes drops from digging in Sandbox mode (+ added new items)
+ The shop is open
+ Added new sounds
+ The volume of sounds are changing more smoothly
+ Added separate volume sliders for ambient sounds and music
+ Removed the leaves drops from plants destroyed by monsters (So there is no leaves to lure dwarves to the edge of the world)
+ Technology tree now fits in screens with lower resolutions
+ Increased amount of animals and improved balance of spawned animals
+ Increased the radius of mouse selection of dwarves and enemies
+ Monster waves are becoming more dangerous during the time

+ Fixed: advanced pickaxes now dig faster
+ Fixed bug: item cursor sometimes disappears
+ Fixed : “Where is my bed” flickering in some situations (low health+no free bed+scared)
+ Fixed: Dwarves stuck outside of the screen
+ Fixed crash at loading screen when the savegame was erased, but info file was left
+ Fixed WASD scroll bug
+ Fixed calculation of comfort
+ Fixed: Coal Recipe is now available in Tech Tree and Campaign mode
+ Fixed bug: materials needed for recipes will duplicate if the job is canceled
+ Fixed bug: items disappear from the craft table after dragging
+ Fixed minor bug with displayed number of awarded items at Level Up dialog
+ Fixed: traps are not activated on Imps
+ Imp drops carried resource when dies
+ Resources do not disappear when buried in sand
+ Fixed few minor bugs

Recipe Changes:
+ Added “Smithy” requirements for some items
+ More food portions for recipes with coal
+ More mana Elixirs
+ Rails require less iron
+ Stained glass and paintings items require less resources


Дата выхода
11 декабря 2013 г.
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Dear Friends! We are very sorry, there is a bug in the current version 0.9.008:
When you click on item in the Craft Tree (Inventory screen opens), the dragging to the fast slots stop working. Please open and close the Craft Tree to overcome this issue. We will fix it little later, in meantime please do not click on items in the Craft Tree.

Update 0.9.008

New Hot Keys:
SPACE - select next dwarf
ESCAPE - cancel selection of the dwarf / exit direct control
When a dwarf is selected:
F - go eat (Food)
R - go sleep (Rest)
E - equip
O - direct control

+ Added timer above the portals
+ Improved AI: Dwarves recalculate path when a new portal is opened nearby
+ Random recipes drops from digging in Sandbox mode (+ added new items)
+ The shop is open
+ Added new sounds
+ The volume of sounds are changing more smoothly
+ Added separate volume sliders for ambient sounds and music
+ Removed the leaves drops from plants destroyed by monsters (So there is no leaves to lure dwarves to the edge of the world)
+ Technology tree now fits in screens with lower resolutions
+ Increased amount of animals and improved balance of spawned animals
+ Increased the radius of mouse selection of dwarves and enemies
+ Monster waves are becoming more dangerous during the time

+ Fixed: advanced pickaxes now dig faster
+ Fixed bug: item cursor sometimes disappears
+ Fixed : “Where is my bed” flickering in some situations (low health+no free bed+scared)
+ Fixed: Dwarves stuck outside of the screen
+ Fixed crash at loading screen when the savegame was erased, but info file was left
+ Fixed WASD scroll bug
+ Fixed calculation of comfort
+ Fixed: Coal Recipe is now available in Tech Tree and Campaign mode
+ Fixed bug: materials needed for recipes will duplicate if the job is canceled
+ Fixed bug: items disappear from the craft table after dragging
+ Fixed minor bug with displayed number of awarded items at Level Up dialog
+ Fixed: traps are not activated on Imps
+ Imp drops carried resource when dies
+ Resources do not disappear when buried in sand
+ Fixed few minor bugs

Recipe Changes:
+ Added “Smithy” requirements for some items
+ More food portions for recipes with coal
+ More mana Elixirs
+ Rails require less iron
+ Stained glass and paintings items require less resources


Дата выхода
1 декабря 2013 г.
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Added Custom Mode where you can setup:
+ Size of the world
+ Humidity (the amount of rain)
+ Sandbox mode (no tech tree, all items are available to craft) / Crafting Tech Tree mode
+ Difficulty (from Very Easy to Nightmare)
+ Normal (no game over) mode / Permanent death mode

+ Multiple save slots
+ Automatic backup of savegame
+ German Translation (not complete)
+ Recipe of coal (8 wood + dirt)
+ Improved AI of dwarves
+ Now dwarves do not pick up items near Goblins
+ Improved AI of archers
+ Added new sounds
+ Beware Sign item is given at the beginning of the game
+ Spell “Horn” now gather every dwarf (not only idling )
+ Traps are not activated on Snail now
+ Now portal opens just near the stockpile

+ Fixed crash and memory leaks (which lead to low performance) in pathfinding in rare situations when dwarf tried to run away from monsters
+ Fixed crash in imps logic
+ Fixed rare crash when craft Nails just after Lock
+ Now you can not change configuration of wall and door block when it’s under attack or there is a creature in it
+ Fixed minor bug with placing/taking an item on/from craft table
+ Fixed rotation of flying arrows
+ Fixed bug: Dialog ‘Task Complete” appears only at Inventory screen
+ Raw eggs are not edible now
+ Fixed some text in Russian translation


Дата выхода
26 октября 2013 г.
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+Quick fix of the crash in update 09.005

Update 0.9.005
+ Fixed bug with some AMD drivers (lagging when you move the mouse cursor)
+ Fixed crash after loading of the save game (connected with building )
+ Health of Goblins decreased by 20%
+ Improved Dwarf’s logic in the building orders (when dwarf has a necessary resource).
+ Added animation of Skeletons in the supporting state
+ Fixed: dwarves stuck when tried to swim through ivy or carnivorous plants in the water


Дата выхода
23 октября 2013 г.
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The quick fix for the issue with cursor bug on some AMD drivers:
Please press ‘F9’ to switch between hardware/software cursor and see if it resolves the issue.

New features:
+ added generation of secret rooms in the world (requires restart of the world).
+ added hotkeys (E: equipment, I: Inventory, C: Craft Tree, T: Tasks, 1-8 for the fast panel)
+ small tweaks in appearance of the inventory dialog
+ added death animations of Zombie Troll and Goblin Shaman
+ changed the recipe of warehouse(extra stockpile): wooden chest to workbench
+ disabled cheat mode (We were surprised how fast you found it! )

+ Fixed crash after showing the craft tree (just after completing some tasks)
+ Fixed crash: removing of railroad block under a moving minecar
+ Fixed animation of dwarf in a mine car
+ Fixed: dwarves could work on removed kitchens, workbenches and etc.
+ Fixed: no more experience points for self placed things (scaffoldings, beware signs)
+ Fixed rare crash connected with Skeleton’s logic
+ Fixed “empty task” bug

Update 0.9.003

Дата выхода
22 октября 2013 г.
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+ Fixed bug: dwarves could not swim out of the deep water
+ Fixed bug: completing two tasks with one action crash the game
+ Fixed bug: house not returning to finished state after door destroyed
+ Fixed bug: dwarf sleeping in the removed bed
+ Fixed bug: an item disappears from the crafting table when technology tree opens (task completed)
+ Fixed WASD control

+ Clicking “Low health” message in the left hand side of the UI automatically select the dwarf